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Imagine your child has just headed off to college. You’re both excited as he embarks on what could be the best years of his life. You’re proud of the person he has become. You raised him well and prepared him...
A few weeks ago, HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” featured a segment about guardianship. True to form, the segment was rich with jokes and insight into the many ways court-appointed guardians can harm innocent people. The story is...
An Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis is a long, difficult road to travel. Without a cure, there’s little you and your caregivers can do but buckle up for the ride. The greatest toll to be paid on that road is the emotional...
Caring for a dying loved one is a remarkable responsibility and the truest form of selflessness. It’s also far from easy. The physical and, of course, emotional sacrifices it demands of you can become overwhelming. Here, we offer you, the...
Sometimes it’s obvious when you need a lawyer. Like if you get a traffic ticket, or your preschooler accidentally shoplifts that value pack of chewing gum. It’s not as universally known when to call an elder law attorney, however. But...
Planning for retirement can be a lot of fun. These are the Golden Years we’re talking about, where you can finally relax and play – spend that money you worked so hard to earn on enjoyable things. But do your...
Whether you’re looking for new restaurants to try or wondering about that rash on your arm, most people’s first instinct these days is to turn to Google. But while searching online can be a great way to find your new...
We like DIY sites like Legal Zoom at Generation Law. Why? Because they often mean more work for us, so we can fix the expensive legal problems these services cause for clients. But we like you, too, which is why...
First comes love, then comes marriage … but what if you’re 70? For couples tying the knot a second or third time, it’s essential to take care of estate planning up front so that the assets you’ve worked a lifetime...
Raise your hand if you’ve been putting off estate planning? Yup, that’s what we thought. A Generation Law survey found most people haven’t taken basic steps to plan for aging. See how you stack up – and the steps to...