From simple wills and powers of attorney, to handling messy family estate disputes and investigating Medicaid or other public benefit options to pay for nursing home care, we’re here for you.

Generation Law provides personalized estate planning, guardianship litigation and related elder law services to help protect you and your family. Bring us your questions about creating a will or trust, planning for an elderly parent, or dealing with probate once they’re gone. We’ll help you make sense of it all so that you can maintain control of your future, your parents’ future and your kids’ future.

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2024 Property Taxation Update

By Adam E. Bossov, Esq., Attorney, Law Offices of Adam E. Bossov, PC The 2024 triennial property reassessments in Cook County have led to unpredictable and unfair results, with many of the property owners receiving inaccurate assessments. This article discusses...

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2024 Estate Planning and Elder Care Legislation (Illinois and Federal)

By Ben A. Neiburger, Attorney, Generation Law Navigating the complexities of estate planning and elder care can be daunting, especially when faced with ever-changing laws and regulations. To help you stay informed, this post summarizes the relevant legislative changes taking...

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Gifting Assets could Affect your Medicaid Eligibility for Long-Term Care Benefits

By Andrea K. Kovar, Attorney, Generation Law It’s the season of giving, but beware!  Gifting assets could affect your Medicaid eligibility for long-term care benefits down the road Your heart may be in the right place when making gifts to...

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The Stories Grandma Never Told You

Generation Law is proud to sponsor “The Crones,” a podcast, blog and photo gallery sharing the conversations and stories of wise and wonderful women in their 70s, 80s and beyond. Brought to you by retired roller derby crone, Barbara “Queen B” Dolan, as she travels the country in her shiny vintage trailer, meeting fascinating elder women and sharing their lives and wisdom in their own voices.

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